Friday, 11 October 2013


I slept much the same as the previous evening, every time I woke the wind was howling, and the water was smacking the hull. If anything it was worse because we were more unsheltered on a broad than on the river. When I got up I noticed that the boat was back on the pilings, and on further inspection the post that Tobi had tied us to had broken off in the night. It was still tied to the line and floating in the water, we were being held by just one rope.
No Better The Next Morning
We had a few cups of tea, as the wasn't any food for breakfast, and decided that we had to move somewhere else, so we could eat. The river was still very quite, and although it wasn't raining the air was damp and miserable. We decided to try and stop in Horning, but both the village green and the public staithe were full, but their was some spaces at the New Inn.
Approaching The Swan
Over the last two days we had been switching control from the upstairs helm to the inside helm, and back again. As a result the switching lever was jammed, and the reverse wasn't engaging the upstairs helm, so stern on moorings were out of the question.
Ranworth Dam
Therefore we pushed on down river, the rain was showing no signs of letting up. The wind wasn't so strong as yesterday, and there were very few boats on the river. We turned down Ranworth Dam to see if there were any spaces at the staithe. Luckily only half the spaces were taken, leaving plenty of room for mooring. I used the inside helm, and stuck my head right out the window, the mooring was a lot easier than I thought.
Crossing Malthouse Broad

We hit the shop, and bought a few necessities, but decided to try the Maltsters for hot food. The barmaid said that we would have to wait half an hour for the chef to come on duty. We had a couple of capuchinos while we waited. At twelve, we ordered cheese and bacon croissants with chips, they were delicious, worth starving ourselves beforehand.
Moored At Ranworth
A Welcome Sight
We quickly decided to book a table for dinner that night, as neither of us felt like cruising about for the rest of the day. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing on the boat, having short walks around Ranworth, and looking around the shops on the staithe.
Looking Across Malthouse
That evening we returned to the Maltsters, for our last meal of the holiday. Pea and Ham Soup, followed by a big rump steak with mushrooms, onion rings, salad and chips. On the way back to the boat, both the wind and rain had died down, but we still went to sleep with the now familiar BOOM BOOM BOOM.

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