Thursday, 6 September 2012


Ponies and Donkeys
I had taken pain killers sometime in the night, and so woke up late, everyone had left the boat and were looking at the ponies and donkeys in the next field. Went up on deck and it was a glorious day already hot, blue sky with just a few Mare's tail clouds overhead.

While having breakfast I called the pilot at Potter Heigham, and was told that there was no way that we could get under the bridge today, apparently there had been a storm off the coast of Aberdeen, which resulted in high water in Norfolk. The pilot seemed to think that this explanation ended all discussion, I guess it did. We had expected to explore the upper reaches of the Thurne today and overnight at Hickling, where our evening excursion was booked.

Racing Down the Upper Bure
We looked over the map, and decided to go look at Acle, then come back and moor at either Potter Heigham, or Ludham. I was given the job of getting the boat out of the narrow dike, which was facing the wrong way, and after a few attempts, and several angry fishermen, we were on our way to Acle. The reeds just flashed by as we were now allowed to travel at 6mph, the river really widened out, and we were soon under Acle bridge. We moored by Acle dike, and could see the town across a large field, my leg was at it's worse today, so I decided to remain behind and rest it. And so Janet and Mandy were soon tramping through the long grass.

Womack Water

Paul and I had a cup of tea, and caught up with celebrity big brother, it seemed a very short time, before the girls were back on board. They weren't that struck by Acle, but had bought some presents, and some chocolate. We turned around and were soon back on the river Thurne, turning left down Womack Water.

Busy Womack staithe
The staithe at Womack Water was very pretty and also very busy, there were no moorings at all, so we prepared to cruise up to Potter Heigham, when Janet suggest we moor at the adjacent boatyards moorings to fill up with water. The lad there said we could overnight there if we paid the mooring fee of £4, which we happily paid. We had lunch in the sunshine, and watched the family on the boat adjacent.

Pretty Ludham Village
We had a few hours to kill until the taxi turned up, so we took a walk into Ludham. It was a very pleasant walk to the village, and Ludham is very pretty, we explored the church, churchyard and village shops. We went into a gift/hardware/antique shop, and I bought a walking stick for £5.50, what relief to be able to lean on something, and I made my way back to the boat slightly quicker than the outward journey.

Walk from Womack Water

Up To The Tree Tower
The taxi turned up at 5pm, which was very comfortable as it was a mini bus, we booked the return taxi for later that evening. We were dropped of at the Pleasure Boat, Hickling, and the tour looked full. While getting ourselves settled in the tour boat, the girl from the pub came out to take our orders for dinner, and then we were soon crossing Hickling broad. Our first stop was the tree tower, which is the metal staircase, leading up above the treetops, to a large viewing platform. The view was spectacular, looking out over the broads, all the way to Horsey and onto the sea. Would have liked to have spend longer up there, watching the sunset.

View from Viewing Platform
Once back at the boat, we headed through the reed beds to two bird hides, we finally got back to the broad at about 7:10pm, and the evening was setting in. As we recrossed Hickling broad, the sun was just setting, and all the waterfowl took flight as we passed them, the silhouette of the birds against the beautiful sunset was truly magical. We were taken to our table in the pub, and given a drink of our choice, and the meals we chose before the tour. The whole evening cost for the 2 hour tour, meal and drink was just £20, and if you are in Hickling on a Thursday evening in summer, I would really urge you to join this memorable tour.

Sunset Crossing Hickling
What Sight!
After a very satisfying meal, we were called outside to the taxi, and taken back to the Mars, and I booked the taxi for our journey to the train station on Saturday. It was pitch black at the boat shed, and had to use torches to get back to the boat. Tomorrow was our last full day on the broads.

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